Please join me for the first workshop offered by Boa's Repair Shop!
MENDITATION will happen on Sunday, June 13, from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM in Seward Park, NYC
In this one hour workshop we will mend your broken garments as a ritual practice. Bring one garment in need of mending. We will provide thread, needles and assorted buttons. Together, we will enter into sensory relationship with our garments, allowing ourselves to be permeated by their material and energetic qualities and conducting physical and metaphysical repairs in relationship with our garments, ourselves and each other.
The Two Bridges section of the Lower East Side is home to myriad stores and workshops that specialize in repair and refreshment: get your shoes, belts and bags fixed on the sidewalk at the southeast corner of East Broadway and Rutgers; get your bike fixed at the shop on Canal and Allan; fix your hunger at countless restaurants and groceries; and refresh your health at the herb shops along East Broadway.
Repairing is happening all around us as the city puts people in proximal relationship with each other to regenerate life. As the city reopens from the Covid-19 pandemic, recognizing and engaging with cultures of repair is central to collective healing. The practice of sewing follows a long lineage of garment work in this neighborhood, threading through tenement piecework shops to Chinese import boutiques and the self-styled youth fashions of Dimes Square.
Boa’s Repair Shop Menditation is made possible with the support of CulturePush and their Show Don’t Tell Symposium. Check out more events by my colleagues in the Fellowship for Utopian Practice Here. I am honored to be part of this community of artists committed to transforming our culture with love and liberation.
About Boa’s Repair Shop: We offer free workshops for the repair of physical objects and metaphysical states of being. There is nothing wrong with being broken. We live in a constant cycle of creation, preservation and reabsorption. Breaking is a normal part of embodied life and physical existence. It sometimes marks the end of life in one particular form. Other times, it catalyzes repair or reinvention. Caring for objects (which are imbued with human labor, networks of supply chains and raw materials) means caring for each other, Earth and ourselves. We facilitate repair, digestion, and reinvention in alignment with the ecological principle of the conservation of matter.