

A short promo for a talk with the founder of Goldlugger

The silent video is entitled, “The Best Point of View”.

This silent video is part of a secular requiem for the ideal of perfect wholeness. It draws inspiration from Marc Augé’s study of the travel accounts of Francois-Rene de Chateaubriand.


Documentation & Media


Cybele Maylone, Lionel Cruet, Alexandra Hammond, Marilyn Narota, and Ben Wright on Transborder Art.

StoryHut Documentation

StoryHut Interviews at Performance is Alive at Satellite Art Show Miami, 2017

Please Disturb An intervention at the Midtown Hilton, NYC

Freelance Work Party at the Goldlugger Factory. Weekends, Global Rates. Workers of all ages.

Talk on “Ecofeminism(s)” at the Salon of Kara Rooney and Eva Davidova.

Documentation of The Fortune Factory